Customer relationship management software (CRM)

Focus on your business partners with Projektron BCS

With Projektron BCS, you have a powerful CRM system for your customer management in addition to comprehensive project management functions. Organize customer companies and contact persons, plan acquisitions for potential customers, send circular e-mails and create quotations. In addition to comprehensive project management functions, Projektron BCS provides you with a powerful CRM system for your customer management.

Projektron BCS as customer management software: Your projects, your customers, your success

Projektron BCS offers you the perfect combination of project management and CRM software, with which you can seamlessly combine projects, processes, customer contacts and communication in one software.

What if you could...

➤ take your customer management to a new level by centrally integrating all contact, communication, process and project data?

plan acquisitions for potential customers more efficiently and make data-based sales forecasts?

➤ easily create circular emails to prospects and customers and send them directly from the CRM software?

generate quotes faster and in a more targeted manner in your CRM system and send them directly?

➤ be able to document the communication processes seamlessly and automatically?

inform your customers transparently about the status of their projects?

➤ proactively increase customer satisfaction and customer loyalty?

With Projektron BCS you can not only monitor your project's tasks, progress and challenges in real time, but also proactively manage your customer relationships. The CRM software module allows you to manage contacts, track inquiries and increase customer satisfaction. Projektron BCS offers a central platform on which all relevant information flows together. The result: efficient project management in every phase, optimized customer support and ultimately an increase in your overall effectiveness. Say goodbye to isolated systems and integrate projects and CRM in one software to better achieve your business goals.

Tanja Maier

Controlling, SSC-Services GmbH

“The CRM module in BCS [...] not only led to a more efficient proposal preparation process, but also enabled us to map all project-related data in one system. Proposal documents, orders and order confirmations sent from BCS are linked to the project and can be accessed at any time via it.”

Iván Sándor Szerbin

Application Support, IDS GmbH

"The advantage that Projektron covers the entire process chain and its user-friendliness led to Projektron BCS being evaluated for customer contact management. Once again, Projektron BCS prevailed over well-known manufacturers of customer relationship management products due to its functionality, flexibility and very good price-performance ratio."

Thomas Hackenbuchner

Head of Finance & Administration, MicroNova AG

"All of MicroNova's customers are entered into BCS, making it the company's leading CRM tool and enabling a direct link to all associated processes. As a result, the quotation module is used across all departments to standardize the creation of quotations - including a central access point, which also simplifies their monitoring and control."

Dr. Hartmut Pohlheim

Managing Director, Model Engineering Solutions GmbH (MES)

"The marketing and sales team maintains our extensive customer base and uses the communication history in CRM to capture relevant emails and interactions transparently for the entire company. This information helps our staff communicate - whether it's evaluations, support, or training."

Christian Otto Grötsch

Managing Director, dotSource GmbH

"Thanks to the customer relationship management functionalities, projects at dotSource can be handled via Projektron BCS from the creation of the offer to the realization and customer support of an ongoing online store."

Ralf Junge

Head of PMO, Sandstein Neue Medien

"We have used the CRM functions of BCS extensively from the beginning. We have coupled the software with our telephone system via CTI integration and also use the e-mail import and, in the meantime, the appointment synchronization with Outlook."

Marcus Brandl

Staff position operative management and business planning department at it4logistics AG, Information Technology (IT)

"Projektron BCS [offers] the possibility to work with user interfaces in foreign languages. This makes communication with foreign customers much easier."

Robert Klauser

Managing Director of infomax websolutions GmbH

The software has made our organisation more manageable. This benefits our contact with our customers Not least when it comes to contact with our customers, this is of great benefit to us: we now have reports that we can use to say very precisely: "We did that for you." Since business partners from the non-technical area are often not aware of how many individual steps complex tasks are divided into, we can strengthen trust in our work.

Manage contact data centrally with customer management software

Address, telephone number, position in the company and much more: In the Projektron BCS customer database, you have quick access to important information about your business partners. The contact manager can create external organizations and persons with their contact details (telephone number, website, e-mail, address, function, branch, etc.) and categorize them via organizational groups, for example as customer, interested party, service provider or partner.

Once stored in Projektron BCS, you can easily reuse your business partners' contact data - for example in invoices, quotations or circulars. This saves you time and money, as the tedious task of re-entering data manually is no longer necessary.

Whether customer advisor or project manager - everyone involved can access the latest information on the customer organization. In BCS, you can display the most important key data in an overview on an individual customer board.

You can reach your goal particularly quickly with contact data entry via the BCS app: simply scan a QR code on a business card, for example, to enter the contact information in BCS and create the contact.

Customer communication: Complete and transparent documentation

After a personal meeting, telephone call or training course: You can quickly enter all the important facts about which you have communicated with your customers, prospects or service providers in the Projektron BCS contact history.

Projektron BCS can also import your e-mail correspondence with external business partners directly from your e-mail server and assign it to the right people in the contact database using the address data.

As a sales employee, you can see at a glance whether your communication is in the green zone or whether you should call a contact partner. The traffic light controlling in the tool lists your contacts with the appropriate traffic light icon. If a traffic light turns from green to yellow, it is time to contact the business partner. If a traffic light is red, this indicates that the planned period for making contact has already been exceeded.

Digital circulars: Ergonomically created and elegantly designed

With the Projektron BCS circular mail function, you can remember all interested parties or customers: You can find recipients of circulars conveniently and reliably in the address database. For mails that you send from the user interface, it is possible to store a fixed sender address. Simply copy existing mailings - this not only copies the subject and text, but also file attachments and recipients if applicable.

You can also copy the recipients from other circulars or specify whether a serial e-mail should be sent despite a block being set or whether the recipient should be ignored when it is sent again. You can also specify whether a circular should be sent immediately or only on a scheduled date.

Whether doctor or professor title: Projektron BCS automatically selects the appropriate salutation for each recipient. With HTML formatting, graphics and any file attachments, you can round off your circulars in style and design.

Customer acquisition & sales forecast: Calculated forecast

Sales success with a plan: Projektron BCS shows you what revenue you can expect in the future from your acquisitions. You can see important data and values, such as acquisition probabilities, acquisition levels or expected deals, at a glance.

If you write specific quotations in a later phase of customer acquisition, you can have these taken into account in your acquisitions. If the values or status of your quotations change, Projektron BCS adjusts your acquisitions accordingly. This keeps your acquisitions up to date and ensures a well-founded sales forecast.

Customer login: For more transparency in the project

Especially in a dynamic business environment, effective planning, management and control of a project is of crucial importance. This is where Projektron BCS comes into play. This comprehensive software solution combines powerful project management (PM) and customer relationship management (CRM) in one system.

If your customer wants to be regularly informed about the status of a project and its progress, as the project manager you simply set up the appropriate customer login. This way, your customer also becomes a BCS user and can independently retrieve relevant information whenever they need it. The exact project data you grant access to via the customer login is up to you thanks to the system's customized rights management.

The seamless integration of CRM and project management in Projektron BCS not only makes it easier to manage your project, but also strengthens the relationship with your customers. Thanks to the connection to the CRM system, project managers and the team can view customer information directly in relation to a specific project and respond to it in a targeted manner.

Connection to the telephone system: Stay informed about callers

Making phone calls is essential in contact management and customer management. Thanks to the CTI interface, Projektron BCS makes this easy and reduces the amount of clicking: If a customer or other contact who is entered in the Projektron BCS contact database calls you, you can call up their name and all relevant contact information, including communication history, in an instant.

This enables you to act immediately and you can even enter a memo about the phone call during the conversation. If required, you can also mark this as "confidential" so that only certain people can see the entry.

Conversely, one click on the link to a telephone number in the CRM software is enough to connect you with the desired contact, whether internal or external. This tool not only benefits your sales and marketing teams who are in contact with customers, but also all employees who communicate with service providers and other business partners.


Customer management software Projektron BCS – your advantages at a glance

Manage lead and customer data centrally and clearly in the BCS customer database

Central, simple storage and documentation – all emails, attachments, documents, letters, telephone calls

Customer communication is transparent thanks to BCS contact history and email import

Create and send digital serial emails with the circular mail function

Sales forecast and acquisition maintenance with acquisition probabilities and amounts

Customer login: Customers can find out about the progress of the project independently

Sales traffic lights immediately identify the need for action

Connection to telephone system: Connected with a click, customer file opens with incoming calls

Time savings through automated routine tasks


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