Telephone systems (CTI)
Call at the click of a mouse
Via our interface with the TeamCall Middleware from ilink, we connect Projektron BCS to your telephone.
Interface performance
The interface between Projektron BCS and the TeamCall Middleware provides you with the following possibilities:
- Call connection set-upwith the click of a mouse on a telephone number deposited in Projektron BCS
- Display of incoming calls in Projektron BCS
- Simple retrieval of names and contact information during the call
- Simple entry of notesregarding the call during the conversation
Program information
The TeamCall Middleware from ilink monitors your telephone system and redirects incoming calls to Projektron BCS. Moreover, Projektron BCS can control your telephone system via the TeamCall Middleware.
As a server installation, the TeamCall Middleware directly communicates with your Projektron BCS server. You do not need any additional applications for computer telephony on client computers.

Robert Klauser
Managing Director of infomax websolutions GmbH
"Especially the CTI interface is something we wouldn't want to miss in our everyday life: one click on the phone number of a contact and the conversation starts and you can record relevant things in a phone note right away."