University collaborations
We are looking to the future.
Our work with universities is therefore centered around applied research and the promotion of young academic talent.

Emden/Leer University of Applied Sciences
Projektron BCS will be used at the Emden/Leer University of Applied Sciences in the "Mechanical Engineering & Design" course of study in the subject of project management starting in the summer semester of 2021. This was preceded by a pilot phase with the use in student projects within the successful solar boat team as well as the supervision of project and final theses.
Prof. Dr. Agnes Pechmann, Chair of Production Planning:
"The cooperation with Projektron for the installation of an own instance, the commissioning and the user support was or is easy, friendly, fast and uncomplicated. The use of BCS as a professional application example in teaching is particularly successful, as I now use BCS for my own projects and tasks with my team and students. This saves us quite a bit of time in task distribution and tracking and saves us from some communication misunderstandings."

Esslingen University of Applied Sciences
Projektron BCS has been used successfully for around 10 years at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences. The use of Projektron BCS gives students access to and insight into a professional and versatile project management tool during their studies.
Wolf Schweizer-Gerth, Laboratory Engineer:
"To handle a project without a professional project management platform would be
unthinkable in our teaching. Projektron BCS is an ideal solution. We see the fact that everything is browser-based as one of the major plus points of Projektron BCS. This means that Projektron BCS is available on any Internet PC."
Internet presence of the Esslingen University of Applied Sciences

Chemnitz University of Technology
The Chair of Factory Planning and Operation at Chemnitz University of Technology has been using Projektron BCS since 2013 for the application-oriented training of around 80 students per year from a wide range of degree courses in the project management module. Participants in the course work in small teams on one case study each and apply relevant project management methods with the help of Projektron BCS.
Prof. Dr. Ralph Riedel, Acting Head of the Chair of Factory Planning and Operation:
"Projektron BCS enables not only the students but also me as a lecturer to work efficiently. The direct application of the relevant PM methods in an appealing and up-to-date software solution means that the learning effect is correspondingly high. This, as well as the ongoing development, e.g. through the integration of agile approaches, contributes to the fact that the participants of my course are optimally prepared for the challenges in practice."

Stralsund University of Applied Sciences
Prof. Dr. Michael Klotz, Stralsund University of Applied Sciences, advises Projektron on adapting Projektron BCS to industry-specific and quality standards. Projektron supports project management teaching at the Faculty of Economics. Projektron BCS is used productively in the bachelor's degree courses "Business Administration" and "Business Informatics".
In the course of the successful cooperation with the university, Projektron has already been able to hire three graduates directly after their studies.
Prof. Dr. Michael Klotz, Professor of Information Management and Business Organization:
"The use of project management software is increasingly expected by project staff and managers in business practice. We therefore offer students comprehensive learning experiences in the use of IT-supported project management with the help of BCS, from the BCS introductory seminar to the semester-long case study in Projektron BCS."
Susanne Marx, Lecturer:
"By working in depth with Projektron BCS, students have the opportunity to put their knowledge of project management to concrete use. In their group work, they learn about the advantages of project management software with its diverse planning, controlling and reporting options. In evaluations, we see that students especially appreciate this practical relevance."

Berlin University of Applied Sciences (BHT)
We have been working closely with the Berlin University of Applied Sciences (BHT), formerly Beuth University Berlin, since 2003. Prof. Dr. Petrasch teaches software engineering at the Department of Computer Science and Media and advises Projektron in particular on the implementation of process models for project management. Together with the department, the Projektron BCS implementations for the Scrum and V-Modell XT process models have already been implemented. In addition, BHT uses Projektron BCS in teaching.
Prof. Dr. Roland Petrasch, Professor of Software Engineering at Beuth University:
We use the Projektron BCS software in a variety of ways in teaching: students can organize their projects and receive a platform for communication, so that they receive important and practical support throughout the entire project and gain relevant experience in this area.
Marco Lawrenz, lecturer in project and quality management:
Projektron supports teaching at BHT by providing the Projektron BCS project management software and helping to carry out practical teaching sessions.
The company thus plays a major role in the university's targeted practical orientation. Students are given the opportunity to get to know a project management tool and plan their own projects on a Projektron BCS server. As part of this extraordinary cooperation, they can acquire an additional qualification and get a head start in their career planning.
The use of Projektron BCS in the 'Project and Quality Management' course is rated very positively by students, who are very happy to accept the company's offer.
Internet presence of the Berlin University of Applied Sciences (BHT)

Wildau University of Technology
Projektron has been cooperating with Wildau Technical University since 2008. Prof. Dr. Bertil Haack is Dean at the Department of Business, Administration and Law. He teaches general business administration with a focus on project management and ERP systems. In addition, Prof. Dr. Bertil Haack provides support to Projektron. In teaching, Projektron BCS is used for student projects in the master's program European Management.
Internet presence of the Wildau University of Applied Sciences

Free University of Berlin
At the Institute for Computer Science at Freie Universität Berlin (FU), teams of students regularly carry out practical projects in collaboration with the business community. To manage their projects, the computer science students use Projektron BCS. Our university representative offers suitable training in Projektron BCS at the FU.

Berlin School of Economics and Law
Projektron has been cooperating with the Berlin School of Economics and Law since 2010. As a partner company of the dual course of studies in Business Informatics, we offer trainee positions to the students during their practice phases.