Ecological commitment

Sustainability is important to us

We are committed to raising awareness of environmental values and sustainability, so we obtain our electricity from renewable energy sources and use recycled paper. Nor do we lose sight of the environment when it comes to our company pension scheme at Projektron: the contributions are used exclusively for sustainable projects.

Climate Mobility Challenge 2024: Sustainable mobility at Projektron

Projektron GmbH is taking part in the Climate Mobility Challenge 2024, a competition that recognizes innovative solutions for sustainable business travel. The aim is to reduce CO₂ emissions through environmentally friendly mobility strategies and to position itself as a green employer. Projektron relies on a versatile mobility strategy: cycling is promoted through JobRad leasing, free bike checks and a modern infrastructure. The company also offers subsidized company tickets for local public transport and car-sharing options. Business trips are preferably made by train, and unavoidable air travel is offset by CO₂ compensation. Through these measures, Projektron actively contributes to the promotion of sustainable mobility and at the same time strengthens its attractiveness as an employer.

Travel climate-conscious and protect wildlife

Since 2019, we have calculated the CO2 emissions of our company flights and the corresponding compensation amount based on the Atmosfair algorithm. With the amount plus a further donation, we support the Rhino and Forest Fund e.V. In 2023, we are now supporting this association for the fifth time with a donation. The aim of the association is to reforest the palm oil landscape into primeval forest and to connect protected areas in Borneo to form a wildlife corridor. This allows isolated wild animal populations threatened with extinction to multiply. In the long term, Projektron is creating a company forest through reforestation, and we are supporting its growth.

Website of Rhino and Forest Fund

Bicycle-friendly employer - fit and active on the road by bike

Cycling has many advantages for the environment and health, which is why Projektron supports its cycling employees with numerous offers. These include: secure bicycle storage rooms, shower and changing rooms for freshening up, a company bicycle to borrow and regular campaigns such as the free bicycle check for employees on Bike Day. To motivate each other and encourage employees to switch to bicycles, we occasionally organize company fitness challenges and joint activities such as our participation in the Berlin city cycling competition. There is something for everyone. Our goal: to reduce environmental pollution, save CO2 and be active together. 


Projektron awarded in "Office & Environment" competition

Projektron participated in the "Office & Environment" competition for the first time in 2021. The project was sponsored by the German Federal Environmental Agency and the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. Projektron was the winner in the categories "Companies with up to 500 employees" and "Concepts for sustainability in the home office". All environment-related aspects of office organization and initiatives were evaluated. The awards ceremony will take place at paperworld as part of the Sustainable Office Day.

To the website of the Office & Environment competition (in German)

Strengthening the ecosystem: Busy little bees at Projektron

The Western honey bee is essential to our ecosystem, but is threatened with extinction. At Projektron, we therefore now offer two colonies a new home on our 7th floor and learn a lot about the life of a bee colony and beekeeping. Our goal is to contribute to the protection of the animals that so diligently preserve our food diversity through pollination. The bee project was a resounding success in its first year, 2021, despite a comparatively cold spring: not only because of the abundant honey harvest, but above all because more and more employees became enthusiastic about beekeeping, took beekeeping courses with a professional beekeeper and want to turn the project into a permanent institution. 

Naturefund: Protect nature - preserve diversity

Projektron supported the non-profit nature conservation organization Naturefund in 2020. The organization buys land worldwide to preserve habitats for the diversity of animals and plants and to counteract climate change. Areas for moors are wetted and forests are reforested. Regionally, the association maintains numerous orchards around Wiesbaden and works with farmers for an "agriculture of tomorrow".

Naturefund website

Banking: Ethical and Defensible

When choosing our second bank, we paid attention to sustainability and opted for GLS Bank. GLS attaches particular importance to transparency and invests exclusively in environmentally friendly, sustainable and social projects.

We rely on organic food: A win-win situation

We purchase all our food at Projektron from the regional organic wholesaler Terra Naturkost, which cooperates with many producers in the region. By buying organic food, we protect the climate, keep drinking water clean, strengthen regional agriculture and preserve biodiversity - in addition, we have happier employees who appreciate the sustainable food.

Website Terra Naturkosthandel

100% recycling paper The Blue Angel at work

Recycling paper protects resources and reduces the amount of waste produced. If recycling paper is certified with the Blue Angel eco label, it fulfils particularly high ecological standards. Therefore, we print our Projektron writing pads as well as a majority of our business communication on 100% recycling paper certified with the Blue Angel.

Internet presence of the Blue Angel

Renewable energies: Electricity from renewable sources for Projektron

After organic foods in breaks and environmentally friendly paper for correspondence, the energy in the software company is since 2010 also environmentally friendly Because: the energy sources of the power supplier for our Berlin headquarters are exclusively wind and water power plants in Germany. In addition to Projektron, environmental protection organizations such as BUND and Nabu also rely on the eco-power supplier Naturstrom AG.

Internet presence of Naturstrom AG in German

Sustainable company pension scheme: Invest in the future

Supporting the pension scheme of the employees while at the same time investing in sustainable projects: Projektron manages to do both with the company pension scheme of transparente GmbH. The contributions from the pension scheme offered in the company exclusively support sustainable projects, for example, for environmentally friendly energy production.

Internet presence of transparente

Germany changes: And we are there

The campaign "Germany is redeploying" offers organizations and decision makers from business and public administration the opportunity to become part of a national movement that uses the example of recycled paper for more resource protection. The initiator is the economic initiative Pro Recycled Paper. We are listed in the SME section.

Home for beavers, toads and co. - BUND - Naturschutz in Bayern e.V.

BUND Naturschutz in Bayern e.V. launched the "Karma Kröten für das Hillental" project at Christmas 2019. In addition to toads and alpine newts, the highly endangered great crested newts will also find a summer home there. Beavers, insects and birds will also find an ideal habitat thanks to the diverse structures in the Hillental. BUND - Naturschutz in Bayern e.V. is currently trying to raise up to €30,000 in donations to purchase the 1.7 hectares of ponds in the Hillental and prepare them for nature conservation. Projektron GmbH has supported this project with a donation.

Most efficient website, hosted green

We want to help lead the way to a fossil-free Internet by 2030 and do our part to make it happen. That's why we subjected our website to the Green Web Check of the Green Web Foundation. The result: our site performs far better than the majority of other German websites. Each visit from currently generates only 0.21 grams of CO2. The electricity used to run the data center of our hosting provider, Cloudflare, comes from renewable sources. The first step towards CO2 net neutrality has thus been taken, but of course this is not a success on which we will rest!

CEOs show their colors

By using recycled paper, we conserve resources. The German Federal Ministry for the Environment and the Pro Recycling Paper Initiative honor this commitment to sustainable action on the "CEOs show their colors" platform and award Projektron GmbH the "Recycled Paper Friendly Company" seal. Compared to virgin fiber paper, recycled paper saves at least 60 percent water and energy and causes significantly fewer CO2 emissions. By using paper with the Blue Angel, Projektron GmbH is thus making an important contribution to climate and resource protection as well as to the preservation of forests and thus also of biodiversity.

Our statement on the website of CEOs show their colors (in German)

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