
Demand-oriented and automated reporting - project reporting with Projektron BCS

Reports and logs in project management are of crucial importance, but are often an annoying evil for those who have to create them. Thanks to constantly updated project data, Projektron BCS effortlessly generates and automatically sends reports with the latest project figures, facts and data. It has never been easier to create a basis for decision-making and to keep project reporting transparent. Rely on Projektron BCS for efficient, customized and high-quality project reporting.

Projektron BCS as project reporting software for your report creation

What if you could use your reporting tool to ...

➤ generate detailed progress, effort and cost reports for your projects at the touch of a button?

send project reports automatically and on a time-controlled basis to ensure that important information reaches the right people on time?

➤ automatically generate project reports in the language of the intended recipient?

create customized reports in terms of content and design, adapted to the specific requirements of your company?

➤ use resource controlling reports to effectively manage personnel deployment and correctly carry out expense accounting?

➤ have a comprehensive project reporting solution that enables you to work efficiently, make informed decisions and ensure the success of your projects?

Thilo Grawert

Head of IT Operations/Head of DSO, uniVersa Lebensversicherung a.G.

“We use Projektron BCS to plan and control all internal projects and requirements. Project controlling and reporting are essential factors for us and can be customized very easily.”

Gesine Chatfield

Head of Information Technology, IQTIG, Berlin

"We use BCS to standardize our internal reporting and also to extract data for external parties and then prepare it outside BCS. This allows us to access up-to-date data quickly and easily, providing our clients with overviews in the form they need them."

Dr. Hartmut Pohlheim

Managing Director, Model Engineering Solutions GmbH (MES)

"We export our marketing and project metrics for evaluation in MS Excel and other analysis tools. We use BIRT to create and export reports for various statistics."

Mirko Richter

IT Services & Head of Applications, Stämpfli AG

"An essential feature of BCS for us is reporting. With the software, we can create and analyse various reports to monitor and evaluate the performance of our projects. For example, we can track the progress of projects, monitor resource consumption and check the status of individual tasks."

Jörg Klenke

Management Board | PMO, BURGER ENGINEERING GmbH & Co. KG

"If a customer also wants regular insight into the status of project progress and bookings during project implementation, that is no problem at all. Especially with regard to this transparency towards the customer, I can explicitly recommend Projektron BCS to other companies in our industry for project management.“

Günther Schrammel

Managing Director, NTS Retail GmbH & Co KG (Österreich)

"With Projektron BCS, many internal processes could be optimized - such as detailed project controlling and more flexible reporting. But we also appreciate the transparent and user-friendly application of BCS."

Reports at the touch of a button: standard reports

With just a few clicks, you can easily generate a variety of standard reports for projects and companies in Projektron BCS. Depending on the type of report, the software automatically compiles the information contained in the reports from the relevant project data in the project controlling area:

Progress report: templates for project progress, status report and overview reports

Effort report: Templates for booked effort, total effort and tickets

Cost report: templates for reports on cost allocation, cost units and project costs

Standard reports on projects and entire programs provide project managers, program and multi-project managers as well as managing directors with well-founded information as an important basis for decision-making. The report provides management or clients with important information on the status of work on the project and meaningful plan/actual comparisons: Are deadlines being met, cost and schedule targets being met or does a target have to be postponed? At a glance, it becomes clear which services and efforts have already been provided, which milestones have been reached and whether additional resources are still required or planning needs to be changed to ensure the success of the projects.

When working with external business partners, your company also benefits from the project reports in Projektron BCS: the project preparation report contributes to a common understanding of the project right from the first step, while effort reports for projects and tickets increase transparency and ensure trust.

Additional options are available for each Projektron BCS standard report, allowing you to adjust the evaluation period as required, for example.

Reporting without borders: project report in any language and format

Is your client or the recipient of the report based abroad? The project management software functions of Projektron BCS are available in different language versions so that project teams around the globe can work together on a project. This international applicability naturally also applies to the project reporting functions of the software: you can internationalize your reports in Projektron BCS and create them in different target languages. This means that each recipient automatically receives their reports in the appropriate language version.

Whether Microsoft Word (DOCX), Microsoft Excel (XLSX), PDF, PowerPoint presentation (PPTX) or HTML: In Projektron BCS, you decide in which of the common file formats and with which reporting tool your report is generated.

Report orders: automatically generated - sent on schedule

Reporting has the essential task of recording the progress and results of project work at set times and distributing this information in such a way that it is available to everyone involved in the project in a timely and appropriate form. By providing a solid database, reporting is important for ongoing project controlling and successful project execution.

Would you like to make reports, such as a weekly project status report, available to specific people on a regular basis? You can realize these requirements particularly efficiently in Projektron BCS using report jobs with an integrated e-mail function. In the ergonomic wizard, you enter all the required information about the report, output interval, start and end date of report generation and recipient once, and Projektron BCS does everything else for you at the defined time - completely automatically.

Reporting in resource controlling

In resource controlling and in the payroll accounting process, reports are of crucial importance in order to effectively manage the deployment of personnel and correctly account for expenses incurred. Projektron BCS offers a variety of reports based on real-time data from resource management, which are available at both employee and organizational level:

 Proof of Effort: this report summarizes project bookings, attendance, absences and employee time balances.
 Employee expense report: Provides an overview of employees' expense records.
 Monthly overview: Provides an overview of an employee's working hours.
 Overview of billability: Summary of employees' billable, reportable and non-billable expenses.

Each report generated manually or by report order is stored in a separate view at employee level individually for each member of the team and thus documented.

Customized content and design: individual reports for your project reporting

Would you like reports tailored precisely to your company? Projektron BCS offers aninterface to the open source report designer Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT) for report creation. With Projektron BCS and BIRT, you can create project reports, invoices & reminders, quotations, performance records, cost overviews and other reports in a customized layout and with content tailored to your needs.

With BIRT, you can adapt the standard project reports (progress, project status and cost reports) available in BCS to your requirements or create completely new report types as required. Projektron BCS data records can be referenced in BIRT report templates in almost any way. The report displays the evaluations as text, lists, tables or graphics, depending on your preference. Not only the content, but also the layout of your reports can be tailored to your company-specific requirements using the BIRT report templates and adapted to your corporate design, including logo, colors and font.

Once integrated into Projektron BCS, you can use BIRT to design your own report templates. You can use these as easily and conveniently for report generation and automated dispatch as the standard reports available in Projektron BCS.


Project reporting with Projektron BCS - your benefits at a glance

 Generate reports on project progress, effort and costs at the touch of a button

 Creation of reports in various file formats and languages

 Automatic and time-controlled sending of reports

 Effective resource controlling through reports that control personnel deployment and enable expense accounting

 Individual layout, company-specific design and customizable content

 Integration of the open source report designer BIRT for customized report templates


Get to know the comprehensive and flexible reporting tools of Projektron BCS for your report creation! Convince yourself of BCS as a comprehensive project management software with numerous ERP functions and start your free and non-binding test now.

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