System requirements

What is necessary for the operation of Projektron BCS?

We recommend the following software and hardware for the latest version of the project management software Projektron BCS.

Browser (Client)

Recommended browsers

  • Google Chrome 127 or later
  • Mozilla Firefox 128 or later
  • Apple Safari 17.6 or later
  • Microsoft Edge 127 or later

Older versions of the listed browser are supported with restrictions in graphic display. You can call up BCS on mobile devices via a browser. However, in this case we cannot guarantee full functionality.


    If you want to access Projektron BCS document management (file storage) via the WebDAV protocol, you need a compatible WebDAV client.

    Software (Server)

    Operating systems (recommended)

    • Microsoft Windows Server 2019*
    • Linux Kernel 5.x
    • Virtual servers supported with VMware or Citrix Xen

    Databases (recommended)

    • PostgreSQL 15, 14 (14.0)
    • Microsoft SQL Server 2019                         
    • Oracle 19 and 21
    Still running
    • Microsoft Windows Server 2016                    
    • Linux Kernel 4.x
    * We assume that newer versions of
    Windows Server are also usable  
    Still running
    • PostgreSQL 13 (13.4)
    • Microsoft SQL Server 2016

    Java environment

    BCS version 24.2
    • OpenJDK 17.0.8 (or higher) 
    • OpenJDK 21.0.4 (or higher) 
    BCS version 24.1
    • OpenJDK 17.0.8 (or higher)
    up to and including 23.4
    • OpenJDK 8.0.382 (or higher)
    • OpenJDK 11.0.16 (or higher)

    Servlet container

    • Apache Tomcat 9 (version 9.0.34 or higher)


    Hardware (Server)

    Up to 25 user

    • At least DualCore-CPU
    • At least 8 GB RAM (3 GB for Projektron BCS, 3 GB database)

    Up to 50 user

    • At least a CPU with 4 processor cores
    • At least 12 GB RAM (4 GB for Projektron BCS, 4 GB database)

    Up to 100 users

    • At least a CPU with 8 processor cores
    • At least 32 GB RAM (14 GB for Projektron BCS, 14 GB database)

    Up to 200 users

    • At least a CPU with 12 processor cores
    • At least 48 GB RAM (20 GB for Projektron BCS, 20 GB database)

    Up to 400 users

    On this scale, we recommend separate servers for productive and test systems.

    • Productive system
      At least a CPU with 16 processor cores
      At least 60 GB RAM (24 GB for Projektron BCS, 24 GB database)
    • Test system
      At least a CPU with 4 processor cores
      At least 12 GB RAM (4 GB for Projektron BCS, 4 GB database)
    • External storage system (SAN or NAS) for file repositories, reports and backups
    • To improve availability, we additionally recommend a virtual infrastructure with live migration features.

    More than 400 users

    In order to be able to recommend the right hardware for a high number of users it is important to us to know your areas of application for Projektron BCS. Please contact us, we advise you individually.

    Data backups

    Suggested approach

    To backup data of your Projektron BCS environment, we suggest regular use of the existing tools of your database management system (DBMS) or using the Projektron BCS integrated backup mechanism.

    The advantage of the integrated backup mechanism by Projektron BCS: In addition to your database, your file repositories and configuration directory are also secured. For further information and a detailed explanation of data backup, we recommend you visit our training:

    Administration of Projektron BCS

    Data security

    Changes to §13 Telemedia Act

    We would like to point out the revision of §13 of the Telemedia Act (TMG for short) to you. This creates further obligations for you as an operator of Projektron BCS, if you act as a service provider in terms of applicable law.

    The measures mentioned here have no claim to completeness and represent no legally binding statements. Since the measures can vary depending on the company, this section serves merely as information about the changes in §13 TMG.

    After the revision of §13 TMG, you as a service provider are obligated to take technical and organizational measures to prevent unauthorized access to the technical installations and stored personal data (for example internal employee data or customer data).

    Suggested approach

    Installation of security updates can be a fundamental part of these measures, which is why we would like to point out that regular updating of Projektron BCS and the system environment (email server, web server, database system, wiki system, etc.) is vital. The use of a firewall also makes sense as a protective measure against illegal access from outside. Furthermore, access to Projektron BCS via the Internet should take place using encrypted connections such as https or VPN.

    We generally recommend regular and timely updates of your Projektron BCS system. Along with the newest additions to the software, you also benefit from improved security when security loopholes are patched.

    Elisabeth Königshofen

    Project Management Office, items GmbH & Co. KG

    "The scalability of the new system was very important to us in order to be prepared for the planned company growth with an increase in users, projects and services to be processed and their billing, a condition that BCS fulfills very well."

    Peter Schürmann

    Head of Global Project Management, msg global solutions Deutschland GmbH

    "The biggest advantage of Projektron BCS is that you can plan and control projects completely independent of location and organisation. In our view, this is an excellent quality of BCS."

    Franz Essl

    IT Administrator, Bitter GmbH (Austria)

    "We first noticed Projektron BCS in 2003 during a visit to the CEBIT trade fair. (...) The great web interface and the wide range of functions in the area of multi-project management made a lasting impression on us and stayed in our minds. The architecture as a web application enables our employees to access it from any location without needing a fat client. This is enormously helpful, especially for our employees at the customer site."

    Christian Schwab

    Executive partner with ETECTURE GmbH, Software Development

    For us, a web-based system was important: This is the technology we know best. Moreover, our employees are distributed over three locations and sometimes also work at home. Only browsers and internet access are required to use Projektron BCS. This really accommodates our organization's needs.

    Dr. Simon Kimme

    Head of Mechanical Engineering and Project Management, Laservorm GmbH

    "The user works with the web browser he is familiar with. Thus, the whole system is user-friendly and independent of the operating system. As a growing company, we also liked the fact that BCS can be flexibly expanded through various license models."

    Florian Frisch

    Head of Information Technology at Ecologic Institute

    The reliability and stability of the software are decisive for working with BCS in our company - since the introduction of BCS there have been no performance problems. By using BCS, we have been able to consolidate the system landscape and there is no longer any duplication of data. This significantly reduces the effort for system and data maintenance.


    Data storage, business logic and presentation logic: Projektron BCS is based on a highly scalable three-tier Java application.


    • The user interface is the web browser.
    • The web browser communicates with the Servlet Engine via HTTP or encrypted via HTTPS.
    • The Servlet Engine processes the enquiry with a Servlet.
    • The Servlet communicates with the Projektron BCS server.
    • The Projektron BCS server
      • processes the input of the user,
      • connects databases to the system,
      • can export data to external systems and import them from there.
    • Databases include SQL 92 compatible, transaction secure relational databases.
    • As an alternative to the web interface, administrators can use command line tools for accessing the Projektron BCS server.


    • Thanks to its architecture, Projektron BCS is highly scalable.
    • The Projektron BCS server, database and file system can be installed on different servers.


    • You can configure additional attributes and remark lists for each object in Projektron BCS.
    • The user interface can be redefined with regard to content and can be adjusted to your corporate design via style sheets and custom graphics.


    Networked information systems in companies

    The web-based project management software Projektron BCS can be integrated into company-wide information systems using various middleware solutions (Enterprise Application Integration).

    Your contact

    Our helpdesk

    is your contact point
    about Projektron BCS.

    +49 30 3 47 47 64-200

    online presentation

    Let us show you Projektron BCS via web conference.

    Sign up

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