The most comprehensive tool for our needs

User report from IRS

IRS Software is a successful national and international manufacturer of logistics and warehouse management software in the field of warehouse management, intralogistics and material flow control. Our product range includes software for machine and production data acquisition as well as for warehouse management and material flow control. We take over the complete project management from conception and software development to commissioning - and service at a fixed price. We have been working with Projektron BCS since 2009 because it is the best project management software for our needs.

In 1994, IRS was founded by Nico Baumann as "Ingenieurbüro für Softwareentwicklung GmbH" in Wannweil. From the beginning, the focus was on software development for logistics systems. In the following years, IRS succeeded in gaining well-known customers, including Weltbild-Verlag, Siemens, Bosch, and the airports in Hamburg and Munich.

At Munich Airport, a typical IRS project can be explained particularly well: If you have handed in your suitcase at the check-in counter and it has disappeared on the conveyor belt, the software from IRS ensures that it takes the right path to the right plane on the sorting system.

Meanwhile, IRS has more than 22 employees working on the projects, or on permanent tasks. In addition, there are about three or four new projects each year, with an average duration of six months. Almost all projects at IRS are handled across departments.

Why did project management software become necessary at IRS?

Before the BCS implementation, every employee at IRS worked with Excel lists. However, when you realize the logistical effort involved in a project like the one at Munich Airport, it becomes clear that this could no longer be sufficient for such a volume of work.

So at IRS, we started looking for software that would primarily centralize time tracking and make time resources clear for everyone. Later, the planning and control of other resources was added, but this was not a primary goal at the beginning. So we were looking for a flexible package for time tracking and vacation planning. In addition, web capability became a knock-out criterion for us. A tool that did not meet this requirement did not even make it into the selection.

Our selection process, which brought Projektron BCS to our attention, was simple: An employee conducted an Internet search. It became clear that Projektron had the most comprehensive offering in the areas that were important to us. We therefore decided to put BCS into operation at our company in 2009.

How is Projektron BCS used in everyday operations at IRS?

Each of our employees works with Projektron BCS. In addition to time recording and vacation planning, resources in particular are planned and controlled. In addition, we have recently been making increased use of the appointment calendar and the team calendar. Since the beginning of 2022, we have also been using the invoicing module to transfer booked expenses directly into an invoice and send it to the customer.

At this point, BCS took us to a new level of quality. In daily operations, BCS has changed many things at IRS: Its reliability and stability have made workflows easier. In particular, transparency in project processing has improved significantly, and not only because every employee now has an overview of the exact status of current projects.

This overview also brings benefits to our customers. Today, each project manager spends about one tenth of his working time with BCS: What at first glance seemed like additional administrative effort has been more than compensated for by the benefits. In addition to transparency and clarity, BCS also has a positive impact on costs in the medium term. Due to the precise calculation, errors can be avoided in advance. Because of all these advantages, we at IRS are determined to continue working with BCS for a long time.

IRS Software GmbH

Branch: Engineering office, software development
Customer since: 2009
Users: 23

Most used functions:

Author: Hartmut Knecht
Status: 03/2022

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