Tirol Kliniken GmbH (Austria)
Tiroler Kliniken GmbH has been relying on the support of Projektron BCS for its corporate projects since 2022.
Projektron BCS in use
Tirol Kliniken GmbH (Austria) uses Projektron BCS for the following tasks:
- Project planning
- Project controlling
- Project communication
- Reporting
- Document management
- Personnel management
- Portfolio management (PPM)
- Risk Management
- Customer support system
- Time recording
Tirol Kliniken GmbH (until 24 June 2015 TILAK - Tiroler Landeskrankenanstalten GmbH) was founded in 1991 and is the largest and most diverse healthcare company in western Austria. It consists of various facilities that form the backbone of medical care in Tyrol. Tirol Kliniken GmbH operates and coordinates the individual facilities as the umbrella organisation of the hospital group.

Matthias Toddenrott
Project Manager - Medical Project Management, Tirol Kliniken GmbH (Austria)
As the largest healthcare company in western Austria, Projektron BCS helps us to create a good overview of the projects from initialisation to completion, to work together on an interdisciplinary basis and to report to the management. By using BCS, we are creating a clearer structure in project management at tirol kliniken GmbH and are able to customise the system to our needs thanks to the wide range of adaptation options. At the same time, BCS offers us the opportunity to continuously improve our project processes - both internally and with our partners.