
News from Projektron

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[Translate to Englisch:] Quelle: ; zuletzt aufgerufen am 17.09.2024.

Projektron among the “Best Employers in Berlin 2024” – honored by exclusive Tagesspiegel study

17. September 2024

Berlin, September 17, 2024 – Projektron GmbH was named one of the capital city's best employers in the renowned study “Berlin's Best: Employers and Training Companies 2024,” which the Tagesspiegel newspaper conducted in collaboration with the social science institute Schad GmbH (SWI).

Projektron wurde vom TÜV Rheinland nach ISO27001 zertifiziert

A focus on information security: ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification for Projektron

06. September 2024

In an increasingly digitized world, information security and data protection are of the utmost importance. The ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification represents a crucial standard for information security management systems (ISMS). Projektron GmbH has now undergone this standard for the third time. In the first quarter of 2024, we received certification from TÜV Rheinland, a sign of our commitment in these critical areas.

Projektron GmbH receives top marks in the stern study “Germany's Companies with a Future” 2024

03. September 2024

Berlin, September 3, 2024 – Projektron GmbH was awarded the highest possible rating of five stars in the “Germany's Companies with a Future 2024” study in the current issue 36/24 of the magazine stern.

Projektron GmbH among the best BRIGITTE Modern Work companies 2024

13. June 2024

Projektron GmbH has been recognized in the study “The Best Modern Work Companies” by BRIGITTE magazine. The results of the study have now been published, and Projektron is one of the 146 best companies that took part in the survey. This award confirms the Berlin-based software company's outstanding position as an employer that successfully implements modern work concepts. At a time when flexibility, equality and a strong corporate culture are becoming increasingly important, Projektron shows how these principles can be put into practice.

Projektron GmbH has completed the TISAX® assessment procedure

22. May 2024

The ENX Association supports with TISAX (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange) on behalf of VDA the common acceptance of Information Security Assessments in the automotive industry. The TISAX Assessments are conducted by accredited audit providers that demonstrate their qualification at regular intervals. TISAX and TISAX results are not intended for general public. For Projektron GmbH confidentiality, availability and integrity of information have great value. We have taken extensive measures on protection of sensitive and confidential information.

[Translate to Englisch:]

Projektron honored as "WORLD'S BEST EMPLOYER 2024"

09. January 2024

Having already been named "World's Best Employer Germany" in 2023, we are all the more delighted that our ongoing efforts to provide excellent working conditions and employee satisfaction have once again been recognized. This prestigious award, presented as part of the "WORLD'S BEST EMPLOYERS 2024" study, underlines our commitment to our employees.

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