Social commitment

We are committed to social projects on both a local and an international level.

As a family-friendly company, we are particularly passionate about providing support for children and young people.

Printers for the PfingstAkademie

The Club der Ehemaligen der Deutschen SchülerAkademien e. V. (CdE; German alumni association) organizes different classes as well as leisure time and cultural activities for its 350 members – mainly pupils, students and young professionals. This also includes the event PfingstAkademie where many new things can be discovered and learned in 20 classes. With the purchase of a laser printer for the CdE, we gladly contribute to the smooth organization and realization of the cultural and scientific offerings.

Internet presence of the CdE in German

Children’s future: House construction for the Waghmare family

In 2010, Projektron supported the project for sustainable local development in the village with indigenous population Vadgaon. Within the frame of the development work of the association Children's future, bamboo huts which often get wet during the rainy season thus causing illnesses were replaced by new houses. With our donation, the  house for the family of Mrs Ganibai Kashinath Waghmare was built.

Equality wins: Cultural change in companies

We support the campaign "Culture Change in Companies", which was launched by Senator Dilek Kolat in 2018 together with the Berlin Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the Berlin Chamber of Skilled Crafts, as its goals are also reflected in our corporate values. We are proud to have made fair arrangements of our own accord and without legal constraints.

The company visit to Projektron took place on September 25, 2018.

Women to the top: Promoting potential

The goals of the "Women to the Top" initiative of the Berlin Labor Senate and the Berlin Chamber of Industry and Commerce reflect our corporate values. For this reason, we support the campaign.

Projektron is one of the signatories of the "Women to the Top" campaign, which aims to make the potential of qualified women transparent to companies and to support the increase in the proportion of women in management positions in Berlin companies.

It provides a framework for presenting exemplary companies that are committed to pursuing corporate goals such as equal rights, equal opportunities and the advancement of women. The dissemination of effective measures can improve career opportunities for women.

The opportunities are presented on the basis of best-practice examples, among other things in workshops and during company visits. The company visit to Projektron took place on January 21, 2015.

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