hm informatik ag
hm informatik ag stands for high-quality IT services. With Projektron BCS, the Ilmenau-based digitization specialists have not only been able to strengthen overarching collaboration within the company, but also to increase both employee and customer satisfaction with their projects since 2015.
Projektron BCS in use
hm informatik ag uses Projektron BCS for the following tasks:
- Project planning
- Project management
- Resource management
- Invoicing
- Time recording
- Scrum
- Customer relationship management (CRM)
- Personnel management
- Holiday management
Since 1993, hm informatik ag has been a high-performance IT partner with special expertise in high-performance solutions in connection with the digitalization of communication processes. The Ilmenau-based medium-sized company specializes in open source solutions, complex database systems and individual application and software development.

Jörg Harnisch
Board of Directors
We have been relying on Projektron BCS in our projects since 2015: from planning to the implementation of our agile projects according to Scrum to invoicing, the software supports the entire project lifecycle of our approximately 70 individual projects each year. With Projektron BCS, we have found a software that also keeps up with our constant growth. In 2018, we switched from BCS.start to the full version, and now all 35 team members work with BCS.