03/21/2017 - Awards

Projektron honored as an attractive IT employer

The software manufacturer Projektron achieved 3rd place in the size class of companies with 50-100 employees in the Great Place to Work Institute's "Best Employers in ICT 2017" competition and is one of the best employers in the ICT industry. A total of 126 companies in 5 size categories took part.

The award is based on an anonymous survey of employees on key workplace issues such as trust, identification, team spirit, professional development, compensation, health promotion and work-life balance. In addition, the quality of the company's HR and leadership measures was assessed. The "Great Place to Work" seal was awarded to 65 companies from the ITC industry.

Projektron Managing Director Maik Dorl says: "We are pleased with the very good ranking in this competition. The award confirms our way of taking our employees' ideas into account in our human resources work."

"At over 45%, our female quota is above average for an IT company. At the management level, six out of eleven positions are held by women. We see equal opportunities and work-life balance as the basis for employee satisfaction. We are delighted that this competition confirms our commitment and that so many employees took part in the survey," says Dotchka Pentcheva, HR and Quality Manager.

The prize is the third award from the Great Place to Work Institute for Projektron this year. The software manufacturer has already won awards in the categories "Best Employer in Berlin-Brandenburg 2017" and "Germany's Best Employer 2017".

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[Translate to Englisch:] Projektron Mitarbeiterinnen bei der Preisverleihung im Rahmen der CeBIT.

[Translate to Englisch:] Projektron Mitarbeiterinnen bei der Preisverleihung im Rahmen der CeBIT.

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